Have Any Questions? info@vstorm.co.za
+27 74 119 9503

About Us

Driven by Passion, Committed to Quality, Uncompromised Integrity.
About Us


Vstorm Solutions strives to be an industry game changer, in the design, installation and servicing of all electronic security equipment.


To provide trusted solutions to all or clients through the use of class leading technology. Vstorm Solutions will at all times conduct business with integrity, provide quality product and deliver excellent service before and after we have implemented an acceptable solution. We will become a leading service provider to all market sectors and serve every client with pride and honesty. We will only conduct business if it is to the mutual benefit of both parties.

Our Focus

As a solutions based company, Vstorm Solutions offers holistic, integrated and outcomes based solutions to protect and monitor people, assets and information through the implementation of technology.

Coupled with the implementation of our solutions we will be providing a focused approach on outstanding service. Vstorm Solutions will not compromise on our overall integrity, the quality of our solutions or the total commitment to outstanding customer service.

Our Solution Offering

Vstorm Solutions has no direct links to any other company and is entirely South African-owned. We have formed joint ventures with third-party companies to provide the right solutions to our clients, allowing them to view, understand, and manage their company’s risk profile through a single technology interface. Our solution includes detecting, monitoring, protecting, and responding to threats to people, assets, and information.

Among the solutions we provide are:

We believe in providing all our clients with advice on how to reduce the risks in the day to day running of their business, understanding that no business is the same and that every risk will be different from sector to sector. Through complete analysis of each individual customers risk and needs, we will be able to formulate the correct course of action to reduce these risks and provide the suitable solution to increase productivity, increase the management effectiveness and safeguard valuable information.  The success of our experiences has been founded in the thought leadership.

Although most problems in any business can be minimised through the use of technology, there will be cases where just a change in procedure will be adequate. In most cases, a combination of both technology and a change in the way things are done, will improve the situation for many customers. It is our duty not to always want to suggest a technical solution but to also supply our clients with advice on what to do and how to remedy the problem without the use of technology.

Through our experience and the backing from major suppliers we have the capability to assist clients from all market sectors. With the use of state-of-the-art technology and the integration of various technology disciplines, we will be able to assist management in improving the bottom line and securing their assets and information. We do not supply a “one size fits all” solution to our clients. Each case will be handled on its own merit and the solution will be tailor made to each individual customer.

With the combination of various forms of technology we will however be able to limit and decrease the risks involved in everyday business. As technology does not take days off, phone in sick or strike, it can become a very important tool in the combating of losses and unproductive staff or even training tool to improve staff competencies.

It is vital for us to have partnerships with local companies to provide backup and support.  These partners must have a global vision but local support systems to back up their products.  Vstorm Solutions have hand picked a preferred list of suppliers with the same solution-specific visions.

With these partnerships in place, it allows Vstorm Solutions to provide the latest technology to our clients.  We are however not restricted to only these suppliers but will forge other partnerships to provide the correct solution to every clients need.  We will constantly broaden our internal skills and capabilities to provide true point-to-point integrated solutions to our clients.  Our procurement policies are flexible enough to allow us to supply and operate products and services from other vendors where required.                                                  

Vstorm Solutions build on our reputation for service and customer relations. We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service.  The company was founded, due to the lack of service within the security industry in South Africa.  Service to our clients will be our main priority and the commitment undertaken by management to deliver on this promise shows that we will be setting new standards for everyone else to follow.


Our outcomes based solution, will be of the highest Quality and based upon our clients needs.  We will provide holistic and workable solutions. We are obliged to give an honest and fair opinion to all our clients.  This may include a change in procedure, implementation of technology or outsourced solutions to provide our client with risk reduction tools and effective management of assets, people and profits.


With the rapid converging security, safety and risk management disciplines, Vstorm Solutions will be able to provide our clients with integrated solutions by combining our expertise and knowledge in the field of electronic security, safety assessments and risk management.  Our focus will be on providing unprecedented service and state-of-the-art technology through relationships we establish with our clients that are build on Integrity.

Expert Security & Safety solutions to all industries





Safe City


Retail Shop

Law Enforcement

